The Diamond Lake Area Recreation Association has contracted to treat Curly Leaf Pondweed an Aquatic Invasive Species in Diamond Lake in 2024.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has granted to the Diamond Lake Area Recreation
Association a waiver of the requirement that the association obtain the signatures of approval of owners of lake-shore property . Instead, the Diamond Lake Area Recreation Association will notify property owners of the treatment through alternate forms. This notice is one form that the Diamond
Lake Area Recreation Association is using to notify property owners. Other forms include but not limited to notification on the Diamond Lake Area Recreation Association web page and/ or social media page, newsletter, or annual meetings.
With regard to the treatment for this year, 2024:
1. The proposed date for treatment: April 1, 2024 through June 15, 2024
2. The target species for the treatment: Curly Leaf Pondweed
3. The method of control or product being used: EPA and MDA registered aquatic herbicide such as: Endothall, Diquat Dibromide, Flumioxazin
4. How landowners may request that control not occur adjacent to the land owner's property:
If you desire that the treatment of Curly Leaf Pondweed not occur adjacent to your property, please notify the Diamond Lake Area Recreation Association immediately at the following
address and email address below:
Diamond Lake Area Recreation Association
PO Box 307
Atwater, MN 56209