Diamond Lake Area 
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota

 Board of Director's Meeting
Friday June 2, 2023
The June 2, 2023 meeting was held at the Watershed District office.

The April 29, 2023 minutes were approved as presented.

Treasurer report showed checking balance of $5,128.52, Savings $1,024.99 and Money Market $68.782.44. 265 have paid 2023 dues. Treasurer report approved as presented.

The AIS treatment for curly leaf pond weed was done on May 31. A grant application for $6,000 will be made for survey work. A proposed bid for next years curly leaf treatment as to type of chemical and timing of application needs to be finalized by July with Jeff and Brian working on this bid.

The annual meeting will be Saturday, June 17 at 9:00 am at the County Park shelter. Board members will prepare the area at 8:00 am. Coffee and donuts will be served. Several speakers will present items of interest. Election of officers will take place with terms of Tim Groshens, Bob Meyerson and Roger Steinke expiring.

The DLARA board is sponsoring a Diamond Lake Weedfest get together on Saturday July 22 from 2-7 at the County Park. There will be a band, food truck, refreshments, and lake information booths available. Free will donations will be taken to help cover expenses.

Respectfully submitted .
Pat Ryan Secretary