Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Diamond Lake Water Quality Improvement Meeting
9:30 AM Friday August 27, 2004
Joan & Bill Schultz's Residence, Atwater
Board Members Present:  Judy Christensen, Bob Meyerson, Kathy Flaata, Joan Schultz, Gordon Bloomquist

Agency Guests: Roger Ramthun (MPCA), Skip Wright (DNR), Kelly Lafortune (DNR), Bruce Gilbertson (DNR), Jeff Bredberg (Kandiyohi County), Dennis Rupp (Kandiyohi County), Rick Reimer (SWCD), LeRoy Dahlke (DNR)

Association Members: Paul Benson, Jackie DeRudder, Sue Meyerson, Bill Schultz, Jim Teschendof, Bernard Gratz

Discussion ensued on the water quality of Diamond Lake, identifying the main sources of  the nutrient overload and action plans for how to contain the problems.

After much discussion it was determined that cleaners such as barley straw, alum and other chemicals are cost prohibited with unreliable results.

The experts agreed that the DLARA is working in the right direction though there is no quick fix, it took many years for the waters to get in bad condition and it will take time and hard work to turn this around.

Actions to be taken are as follows:
1)  Rick Reimer will promote and implement fencing of cattle around Hubbard Lakes.  Currently the farmers are not eligible to get CRP monies to do this as it is pasture land and does not qualify.  We will support installing fencing and any BMP's in pasture land through our grant monies.

2)  Rick Reimer will take water samples from the tiles emptying into Diamond Lake to determine nutrient content.  If  high level of nutrients are detected, Rick will work with us and others to rectify the situation.  Bill Schultz and Jim Teschendof volunteered to assist Rick with the water sampling, this will occur both this fall and next spring.

3)  Bruce Gilbertson and Kelly Lafortune will perform reverse aeration on the Hubbard Lakes Chain this winter providing conditions are right.  This will kill carp, allowing good vegetation to grow, which in turn will keep the nutrients from entering Diamond Lake.

4)  Judy Christensen will present a proposal to the board to pay for a portion of septic maintenance for association members to occur next spring.  In addition, approach Harrsion Township for creation and enforcement of septic ordinances.

5)  Rick Reimer will work with Steve Erickson on the restoration of wetlands for the Hubbard Lake Chain.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Schultz