Board Members Present: Judy Christensen, Bob Meyerson, Jon Hanson, Kathy Flaata, Joan Schultz
Board Members Absent: Russell Johnson, Tom Deadrick and Tom Sykora, Larry Redepenning, Dave Solbrack
Guests: Rick Reimer (SWCD), Ardell Thompson (Mayor of Atwater), Dale Tagtow (City Council Atwater), Ron Peterson (Chair Harrison Township Board), Terry Thompson (Treasurer Harrison Township Board), Bill and Carol Simondet, Rene McMonigal
Meeting was called to order. Minutes read and approved.
Treasurer's read and approved. Bills were submitted for review. A motion was made to accept payment of all the bills, 2nd and approved.
Ramsey Printing and Design (newsletter)
ACGC (spring field trip)

Joan Schultz (PO Box and secretarial supplies)
Weed cutting boat usage:
MN Lakes Association (dues)

Proposed Watershed District - All
There was much discussion about the pros and cons of the proposed watershed district with all who were present. Our decision was to oppose having Diamond Lake and Diamond Lake Watershed be a part of this formation. The Board decided to draft a letter to the Kandiyohi County Commisioners, Bill Lathum and other key people expressing our decision. Kathy Flaata will be present at the Harrison Township meeting on Tuesday June 8, 2004 to formally express our decision and ask for their support. Motion was made, 2nd and approved. Following is a copy of the letter that was sent out:
To: Bill Latham, Kandiyohi County Commissioners (Harlan Madsen, Dennis Peterson, Richard Larsen, Richard Falk, Dean Shuck)
Copy: Gary Broman (GLPOA - Green Lake Property Owners Association), Terry Frazee (GLPOA), Terry Schaefer (SWCD), Rick Reimer (SWCD), Roger Ramthun (MPCA), Jeff Bredberg (Kandiyohi County), Ardell Thompson (Mayor of Atwater), Dale Tagtow (City Council Atwater), Ron Peterson (Chair Harrison Township Board)
Bill and Kandiyohi County Commissioners,
Bill, we appreciated your appearance at the Diamond Lake Association Board Meeting in May concerning your proposal for us to join the formation of a new watershed Middle Fork Crow River Watershed District.
The Board has seriously considered this matter and at this time opposes the establishment of a watershed district which includes Diamond Lake and the Diamond Lake Watershed.
Diamond Lake is part of the North Fork Crow River Watershed District; we are an active Board working with the DNR, MPCA and SWCD implementing many new programs to clean up our lake. In your proposal you listed improvements to possibly be undertaken that we have already addressed with formal programs in cooperation with state agencies. To be specific you list:
Establish best management practices we have an AG BMP Program that has been in place for 2 years and is highly successful
Educational programs to improve water quality we have worked very hard with the MPCA on establishing educational programs for both our residents on the lake and in the surrounding communities. For example, we are involved with ACGC school to educate our future landowners on water quality by sponsoring educational field trips and supplying the school with books and water testing kits.
Eliminating / reducing pollution and nutrients we too are actively working on this by educating our landowners on using phosphorus-free fertilizer, aeration of lawns, yard waste, etc.
Restoration of aquatic vegetation we have a program to evaluate what landowners can do for aquatic vegetation and will supplement their costs should they decide to proceed
Ongoing testing for water quality and clarity we are actively monitoring our lake for both of these items and work with the MPCA on the results and the identification of new programs we can implement to further clean up our lake
In addition, you state in Article III "That the proposed watershed district will have a commitment to obtaining grants, including state and federal, to undertake agricultural and water quality projects". The Diamond Lake Association is already committed to obtaining grants for agricultural and water quality projects. Currently we have a grant in place for the "Diamond Lake Rehabilitation Project" that is funded in which we match the grant dollars with in-kind hours and our own dollars. Projects supported through this grant include homeowners, agricultural BMP's, Hubbard Lake Chain improvements, aquatic plant management, fish projects, education, monitoring and project management.
To summarize, we are addressing and making significant progress on our key issues and are working well with the existing state agencies that are currently in place to support our needs. We do not see any benefit to the Diamond Lake Watershed to be a part of this proposal, therefore, we do not wish to be involved in your proposed new Watershed District.
Diamond Lake Area Recreational Association Board of Directors
Judy Christensen President
Bob Meyerson Vice President
Joan Schultz - Secretary
Jon Hanson Treasurer
Kathy Flaata Director
Gordon Bloomquist - Director
Larry Redeppening Director
Tom Deadrick Director
Tom Sykora - Director
Russell Johnson Director
Dave Solbrack - Director
Educational Program Update - Joan Schultz
Joan updated the Board on the spring field trip that took place on May 12 with the Advanced Biology class from ACGC and teacher Sue Aagesen. Presenters to the students at the field trip were Roger Ramthun (MPCA), Bruce Gilbertson (DNR Fisheries), Skip Wright (DNR Hydrologist) and Rick Reimer (SWCD). Volunteers included Joan and Bill Schultz, and Gwendolyn Weseman who provide lunch for the entire group.
The students were educated on erosion, wetlands, watersheds, rain gardens, core aeration and proper lawn care, water testing, fish population, water clarity, pollution and yard waste.
The students were fantastic, very polite and interested, they asked many questions. They were very appreciative for the experience and thanked all who helped make this day possible.
Weed Cutting Update - Kathy Flaata
Weeds were cut on Saturday May 28th by a number of volunteers. Four pontoons with approximately 3 people per boat spent a better part of their Saturday morning cutting curly leaf pond weeds in the North Bay. Many weeds were cut.
A special thanks to Kathy Flaata who "jumped started" the volunteers with coffee prior to the cutting and Elaine Willems who provided treats to the volunteers after their morning of weed cutting.
A second round of cutting will occur on Friday June 4th in the same area.
Water Testing - Kathy Flaata
Rick Reimer from the SWCD sponsored nitrate water testing at Kandiyohi County Park #3 on Thursday June 3rd from 10am 4pm. Approximately 28 people brought in water samples for testing.
Bylaws - Kathy Flaata and Joan Schultz
A rough draft of proposed bylaws was presented to the Board. The Board members were asked to read and make proposed changes for the next Board meeting.
Wheat Bales - Bob Meyerson
Bob reported he checked with Steve McComas regarding the possibility of using wheat bales as filters in the inlet. At this time the cost is too expensive, prohibiting this from occurring. At this time we will table this and look for other alternatives.
Annual Meeting - Joan Schultz
The date of the annual meeting has changed from August 14th to August 21st due to availability of the County Park Shelter. This change will be noted in the July newsletter. The following people will asked to be speak at the meeting Roger Ramthun, Harlan Madsen and Julie W. Judy will contact Roger, Kathy will contact Harlan and Bob will contact Julie. Speakers will be finalized at the next Board meeting.
Joan is going to schedule 2005's annual meeting in order to reserve the shelter in advance.
Bass Lake Control Structure - Rick Reimer
Rick Reimer from the SWCD reported that a control structure is approved to be installed this fall on the outlet of Bass Lake to help prevent erosion. The Water Planning District, DNR and landowners are supportive and are going to fund the effort with monies. They are looking for some additional monies. The Board stated we would consider assisting with the funding given more information. Rick is going to document the benefits the DLARA will receive from this control structure as well as the details of the funding with a request for a set amount of money from us. At that time the Board will consider and vote on this request.
Signage Proposal - Rick Reimer
Rick Reimer reported he had funding that could be used to acquire signage related to pollution. Examples of signs are: No Dumping, No Fishing (by the carp trap), Inlet and Outlet. Rick has a catalog showing available signage that we can look at to decide what would pertain to us. Rick will verify funding available and get the catalog to us to review.
Clean Up Day - Joan Schultz
Joan reported when Roger Ramthun was here for the ACGC field trip he was appalled at the amount of trash and yard waste laying around. This waste had not been properly disposed of and causes pollution to the lake for example, tires, burning barrels, leaves thrown into ditches and woods, etc.
Possibly we can look at sponsoring a Clean Up Day for residents around the lake by using dumpsters to collect waste and dispose of properly. In addition, we need to further educate landowners on the dangers of yard waster and improper disposal.
Joan and Judy will check into the possibility of coordinating this event.
Next Board Meeting is scheduled for July 1, 2004.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Schultz