Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Annual Meeting
9:00 AM Saturday August 16, 2003
Kandiyohi County Park #3, Atwater

Board Members Present: Judy Christensen, Bob Meyerson, Joan Schultz, Jon Hanson, Kathy Flaata, Larry Redepenning,  Bill Schultz and Dave Solbrack

Board Members Absent:  Gordon Bloomquist, Tom Deadrick, Kevin Gruenhagen, Russell Johnson and Tom Sykora

Guests:  Myrna Halbach (MPCA) and Bruce Gilbertson (DNR Fisheries)

Approximately 66 lake residents attended in addition to the Board members and guests

Meeting opened with introduction of Board members. 

Treasurer's report read.

911 Signs Update - Kathy Flaata
Kathy reported the 911 signs are to be put up by Kandiyohi County and that board members have been getting signatures for placement on private property.

Carp Trap Update - Bill Schultz
Bill reported on the condition of the traps and the amount of carp taken this year was a small amount.

Weed Cutting Update - Kathy Flaata
Kathy said weed cutting was a success.  She also passed around a map for members to mark other areas of the lake that may need cutting next spring.  A captain from each of these additional areas will be needed as well as a crew to do the cutting.  People must talk to Kathy about this very soon as it will affect the permit application and possibly the need for more weed cutters to be purchased by the board.

Ag BMP Program Update - Judy Christensen
Judy reported 8 people signed up for the Ag BMP program and that 69+ acres will have BMP's established on them.  The SWCD considers this program a big success and reports other associations are asking for information on how our program works in order to establish their own program.

Phosphorus-Free Fertilizer Update - Judy Christensen
Judy reported 70 people participated in this program and obtained a free bag of fertilizer.  She also explained how phosphorus-free fertilizer helps our lake rather that the use of fertilizer with phosphorus.

Water Testing Update - Joan Schultz
Approximately 85 people took advantage of the nitrate testing held at County Park #3 in July - thanks to Rick Reimer at the SWCD for sponsoring and running this program.  Additional water testing for bacteria was occurring that weekend.  Containers for this water testing were handed out along with instructions for those who wanted to participate.  This program was made available from Roger Ramthun of the MPCA.  Roger sponsored the water testing (an $18 cost per sample).  Results are do out in approximately 1 week and will be communicated to all participants.  Thanks to Roger for sponsoring this program. 

Septic Tank Issues - Myrna Halbach
Myrna is from the MPCA, she explained the new pilot project underway which studies rivers and lakes and pollution.  Three counties will be chosen to participate in this project.  Kandioyhi County will most likely not be in the project.  One had to be in the Southwest area of the state, one in a populated area (where streams are known to be polluted) and the third is still to be chosen.

Some of the other things addressed  staff cuts by lack of funding so number of new projects will be less.  MPCA would like to get legislation for those who pump septics to have proper licenses to handle waster and meet certain standards.  Each County has its own ordinance to manage spectics.  Up-to-date, properly working septics help improve lake quality and ground waters.

A question was asked if there would be monies for a study to see how many property owners would like a sewer system.  Myrna stated there are small amounts of monies available through grants, though for studies and surveys.  When asked for a show of hands how many members wanted sewer system there were 16 for and 21 against.  When asked about dye testing tablets for septics, Myrna said this type of testing needs to be approached carefully.  Myrna left a number of handouts on septic tanks.

Dog Fish Bag Reclassification - Bruce Gilbertson
Bruce is from the DNR Fisheries, he explained at present the DNR has a proposal to purchase a 100 foot strip on Dog Fish Bay for development rights.  Then if the developer wants to pursue development it would be further back and the DNR strip would be kept lakescaped.  The owner of the land in question is considering the DNR offer if some modifications can be agreed upon.

Black crappie numbers are down due to lake shore development and loss of habitat.

DNR this year to date on Diamond Lake have had crews on the lake neeting fish to monitor fish population, they have done electro fishing (electric charge stuns fish and can be counted and measured) and stocking of walleye and northern pike (numbers are down due to lack of habitat.

Q&A ensued:
Q: Can we do fish kill in Hubbard Chain?  A:  Depends on weather.
Q: Does DNR take spawning eggs from Diamond Lake?  A: No, not for last 10 years.
Q: Why so many bullheads?  A: Not sure, maybe due to summer environment in the past several years.

Education Program Update - Judy Christensen
Judy explained what the association wants to see happen with science classes from ACGC and Litchfield in lake studies and ways we can help educate the students.

Loon Nests Update - Kathy Flaata
Kathy reported she received information on loons from the DNR in Brainer and New Ulm on loon nests.  Four loon nests / beds will be made by volunteers this winter and placed in the spring of 2004.

MPCA Grand Extension - Judy Christensen
Judy spoke with Roger Ramthun about an extension for our grant money.  We have applied and been approved for the extension, which is now available through April 2005.

Diamond Lake Directory - Judy Christensen
Judy reported the new directories are ready.  They were created from a file received from the Kandiyohi County which includes property owners as of 12/31/02.  Directories were handed out to all members who were present  the rest will be sent out to association members.

Meeting adjourned at 10:20 am.

Respectfully submitted,
Joan Schultz